This year the workshop will focus on how GEOSS is helping to deliver user applications. Other areas of interest of the Workshop will be:
- GEOSS Infrastructure and Data Management (including AIP-7)
- GEOSS Capacity Building (with a focus on Africa)
- Citizens’ contribution to the GEOSS (including Citizens’ observatories)
- GEOSS and Research and Innovation (with a focus on Research and e-Infrastructures)
- Copernicus and GEOSS
- Progress of the GEO Global Initiatives (Blue Ocean, GLC, GEO BON, GEO GLAM, GFOI, etc.)
- Implementation of the GEOSS Strategic Targets for the 9 SBAs
- Private Sector Engagement
- GEO Post 2015
This will bring together all of the GEO-related FP-funded projects as well as representatives from many European organisations and institutions.
The GEPW8 will be organised as a follow-up event to the Greek EU Presidency International Conference “Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observation”, taking place on 10–11 June also in Athens. More info about this event is available at