International Relationship Fund: EU-NZ Collaborations

The Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) is seeking applications from New Zealand-based researchers (individuals or teams) with demonstrated collaborations and linkages with researchers based in the European Union with the intent of implementing new joint work-plans in the area of non-communicable diseases. The joint work plans should support the development of collaborative research that will lead to approaches to personalised healthcare in New Zealand.

This initiative is supported through the International Relationships Fund and aims to facilitate the development of research collaborations between New Zealand researchers and European Union colleagues to become sustainable international relationships. The HRC has responsibility for administering International Relationship Funds to support the development of collaborative research relationships focused on non-communicable diseases.

These grants focus on facilitating connections primarily between New Zealand researchers and international (European Union based) collaborators. Funding will be provided to support the development of collaborative linkages between grant recipients and key international researchers to work in areas that have potential for significant improvements in health outcomes and demonstrable advances in knowledge. These areas are likely to include health research that seeks to reduce inequalities for those facing the greatest burden of disease. An important consideration for researchers applying for enabling grants will be the demonstration of the potential benefit to New Zealand from the proposed collaboration.

The HRC must receive the electronic application no later than 12pm on Tuesday, 4 February 2014.

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