The overall strategy of BILAT-RUS 2 puts the three main issues of the Capacities work programme into practice. It will provide input for the EU-Commission on the state of EU-Russian STI cooperation; contribute to coordinate research policies and programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and the EU-Commission; enhance information collection and dissemination as regards STI between Russia and the EU; raise awareness of researchers in Russia and the EU for cooperation potentials; monitor the existing STI cooperation praxis and facilitate the implementation of a sustainable cooperation support system; analyse the Russian innovation system and provide support for enhanced implementation of R&D results; deliver a feasibility study for a common representation of European scientific institutions in Russia.
One of the major success factors is the close continuous dialogue and the coordination of activities with Russian and European authorities, addressing in particular the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (MON), responsible Ministries/Agencies in EU Member States and the EU Commission.
The individual activities and tasks that are proposed in the work packages of the project cover a wide array of activities. They include general information and awareness raising activities, the maintenance of the established web-portal with data and knowledge bases on STI issues as well as a inventory and analysis of existing cooperation instruments, the preparation of three yearly analytical reports on the state of EU-Russian STI cooperation, the publication of guidelines for better implementation of R&D results, a feasibility study for a common representation of European scientific organisations in Russia, as well as a mobility grant scheme. Also, activities include the establishment of an external quality control body and an Advisory Board.