FRIENZ study group tour in ‘Living a Long and Healthy Life’

The FRIENZ project will provide funding to assist selected European delegates to participate in a Study Group tour through New Zealand for approximately 5 days beginning 19 October 2015. The task of the delegation is to promote opportunities for collaboration in research and innovation with New Zealand; strengthen existing relationships; and stimulate new collaboration with New Zealand research organisations and innovation partners.

The overall interdisciplinary theme of the tour is ‘Living a Long and Healthy Life’. This theme includes a focus on preventing or significantly diminishing the impact of chronic diseases including related cognitive disorders and/or enhancing the potential for tomorrow’s healthy society (enhancing protective factors and addressing modifiable factors in an appropriate way). This includes the ‘right’ approach for age and stage in the life course. -Diseases that are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in New Zealand and Europe are of particular interest. Applicants could be working in an area that aims to accelerate progress on solutions that can alleviate the symptoms of chronic disease, and lessen the social and economic impact for individuals, families and health care systems both now and in the future. This could include harnessing the potential for electronic solutions/health information technology (health IT) for the prevention and management of chronic conditions.

The focus is on research areas/individuals that have demonstrated ‘connectedness’ and support both individual, collective or system approaches to leading a long and healthy life as well as coordination and collaboration of diverse research areas (inter/multi-disciplinary research efforts).

Application close 9am on Friday 31st July 2015 (New Zealand Time).

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