The European Union has brought together the world’s largest single program to promote publicly funded research and innovation. Furthermore, the EU seeks to involve researchers from all parts of the world, including Australia. Horizon 2020 is about to enter its fourth year, so it is now well established.
This seminar will provide an overview of how the implementation of Horizon 2020 is taking shape, with reference particularly to the opportunities for Australian researchers. There will be an update with respect to the progress of the current calls, and of the timetable for planning of the 2018-2020 Work Programme, as well as broader considerations such as Brexit.
The seminar will be led by Dr Rado Faletič, a Director of Montroix Pty Ltd and formerly Executive Director of FEAST (the Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology cooperation). He is the Australia’s foremost expert on Horizon 2020, and will be available for more in-depth discussions both before and after this public seminar.