The DG for Research and Innovation of the European Commission and the INCONTACT 2020 project are organising the “International NCP Workshop – Promoting the International Dimension of H2020”, a special event.
The Workshop aims to highlight the global dimension of Horizon 2020 and to facilitate the exchange of views for the enhancement of international research cooperation. The Workshop will bring together International NCPs from around the globe involved in international cooperation activities and European Commission officials to discuss ways to improve international participation in the new Framework Programme. The event is organized by the DG for Research and Innovation of the European Commission and the INCONTACT 2020 project which promotes the capacity building, coordination and networking of all National Focal Points for International Cooperation (INCO), coordinated by PRAXI Network.
International NCPs will give short talks about activities in their country to raise awareness of Horizon 2020, problems and bottlenecks concerning participation in Horizon 2020 and suggestions for improving cooperation in the new Framework Programme. In the final session a round table discussion will take place focusing on the necessity of international cooperation in Horizon 2020, how international cooperation is shaping up in the new framework programme, the difficulties and problems currently faced in international cooperation, and the necessary steps and corrective strategies for improving international participation in Horizon 2020.
All officially appointed Horizon 2020 NCP Coordinators from international partner countries (non-EU) are eligible for sponsorship for participating at the Workshop.
However the event is open to other participants interested in the subject. For participating, please complete the registration form at the following address:
Registration will remain open until the 17th of November.