The 7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” of the PROMITHEASnet is set under the auspices of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization (BSEC) as it happened in all past years.
The Conference, starting from 2013, is scheduled to promote the Green Economy issue and following its structure to bring together members and representatives from the scientific community, governmental authorities, members of parliaments, market stakeholders, banking officers and representatives from international and regional organizations.
This year the event is oriented towards “Green economy”, in an effort to promote the BSEC Task Force for the Green Energy Development, to facilitate the exchange of scientific knowledge and best practices on latest efforts to promote the Framework of Various Approaches and the New Market Mechanisms as they are shaped through the ongoing negotiations.
The Conference is divided in three (3) main parts. The first part is devoted to policies promoting the Green Energy Development and intends to invite members of the BSEC- Task Force to present their national policies on Climate Change Mitigation, RES and Energy Efficiency. The second part is devoted to scientific presentations, as it happened in all previous years. Finally the third part is shaped as a “Brokerage event” that will bring together scientists and engineers with policy makers and market stakeholders so as to increase their cross-interaction promoting innovative solutions and cooperation on common importance topics. In addition, during this last part, a new session is devoted to participants that are interested to formulate consortia in the context of Horizon 2020 (or other international) calls for proposals. To that aim project proposals with clear reference to the topic characteristics, an abstract of the proposed project and short description of the expected partnership can be presented, while potential partners will be facilitated in further deliberations.
The whole programme, as usual, will be assorted by a qualitative cultural programme.