PSC-23 provides an interdisciplinary platform of exchanging ideas for scientists focusing on issues particularly important to the Asia Pacific region. It is aimed at the merging of science, technology and innovation. The program was thus designed in such a way as to provide the maximal opportunities for scientists to present research findings, to assess and prioritize issues for further research, to bring together scientists from remote states, to catalyze international and cross disciplinary collaboration, and to announce and establish new research initiatives. The session formats of the 23rd Pacific Science Congress will consist of oral presentation, workshop, panel discussion and poster session. The issues for discussion range from Climate Change and Earth System Sciences, Biodiversity and Natural Resources, Food/Water/Energy, Human Health, Human Diversity and Inclusive Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, to Science for Building Green Society, and Emerging Technologies. The Congress will be stimulating and rewarding for all participants through discussions, deliberations, and the sharing of knowledge and experience.